Pharmacy sanitary and toiletries collection

“Hygiene is the basic level of care needed to feel clean, confident, and comfortable enough to engage fully in life”- The Hygiene Bank.
Why are we running this campaign?
Across the country people continue to feel the pinch of the rising cost of living, resulting in a greater reliance on external support networks. During this time, the most vulnerable people within society will again be at the forefront of our minds. A lack of access to basic hygiene products caused by circumstance or finances has led to our focus being on the collection of sanitary items and toiletries within all our pharmacy branches.
What are we doing?
Dump bin collection points have been placed within all of our pharmacy branches. Customers are able to donate items directly to the collection bins, which will then go to that store’s assigned charity. We’re supporting a range of group such as hygiene banks, domestic abuse services, homelessness support and foodbanks. The charities for each store have been chosen due to their proximity, so that the impact is being felt first hand in their local communities. We are pleased to announce that we will be supporting a total of 16 different charities throughout this campaign.

Items needed most:
- Toothbrushes and toothpaste
- Shampoo & conditioner
- Loo roll
- Deodorant
- Shower gel
“Hygiene is not a privilege and should be accessible to everyone”
- The Hygiene Bank.
Who we're collecting for:
- Lincoln Community Larder
- Lincoln Hygiene Bank
- Lincoln Foodbank
- Holbeach Community Larder
- EDAN Lincs Domestic Abuse Service
- East Lindsey Food Collective
- Doorstep
- Grantham Passage
- Connexions Community Hub
- Blue Door
- Centrepoint Outreach
- South Lincolnshire Domestic Abuse
- Purfleet Trust
- Sleaford New Life Community Larder
- NEL Women’s Aid
- Foundation
We visited one of the food banks we support

Karen Holland - our East Lindsey Community Coordinator, visited Skegness Food Bank recently to tour the new refurbishment it has carried out.
“It is more than just a food bank. With facilities for the homeless such as showers and washing machines.” She also said; “As donations to food banks are dropping, they are having to buy in more provisions, so this campaign is definitely making a difference.
She spoke to Jonny Whelbourn, the Manager of Skegness Food Bank, who said
"This morning we received a donation of sanitary products from Karen. The two large boxes were full to the top and contained all the items that our clients at the Skegness Food Bank need. Some of the items have been placed on the shelf in the food bank to be distributed within food parcels, the rest have been placed on our shelves full of free-to-take items. Thank you so much for collecting these items for us, we appreciate the support."