Have you had your blood pressure checked?
If you’re over 40 and not currently taking any blood pressure medication you can have a free blood pressure check in any of our Lincolnshire Co-op pharmacies. No appointment needed.
“It’s so easy, and you’re so relaxed. When you go in to have your blood pressure checked they talk to you and sit you down. There is no need to be nervous because they are so good and know exactly what they’re doing.”
- Linda
Linda had her blood pressure checked a couple of months ago. After feeling under the weather for several days her sister recommended getting a check at her local pharmacy.
Denise Stewart, checking technician at Hykeham Village Pharmacy, has been providing blood pressure checks for several years. She assisted Linda noticing that her blood pressure reading was very high. Denise became concerned when her second reading remained high, so Linda’s GP was informed immediately, and an appointment scheduled for the same day.
Thanks to the wonderful team at Hykeham Village Pharmacy Linda was prescribed blood pressure medication quickly. Her blood pressure has reduced dramatically as a result, and she is feeling much better.
Most people know that having high blood pressure is cause for concern however the symptoms of low blood pressure can also be troublesome. If you notice any symptoms of low blood pressure including dizziness or shortness of breath, it’s important to get checked. Low blood pressure can also be dangerous especially if you live alone and start to feel lightheaded or experience fainting.
Find out more about low and high blood pressure.
Keeping an eye on our blood pressure is a great way to be proactive with our health. Changes can be a sign that something isn't quite right. Helping to detect problems early means you can take the necessary steps to get swift help and treatment if needed. That's why our pharmacists recommend getting checked at least once a year.
“Go and have your blood pressure checked, it only takes minutes and it can make a huge difference.” - Linda
Learn more about our free blood pressure checks.
Why not visit your local Lincolnshire Co-op Pharmacy to get your blood pressure checked today?