Clementine and ginger pud

2 small clementines, peeled
2 tbsp Belvoir Ginger Cordial
2 balls of stem ginger in syrup, chopped,
or 2 tsp ground ginger
175g butter, softened
175g light muscovado sugar
3 free-range Lincolnshire eggs, beaten
175g self-raising flour
For the sauce
4 small clementines (skin-on), scrubbed
and thinly sliced, widthways
2 tbsp caster sugar
125g butter
150g light muscovado sugar
3 tbsp Belvoir Ginger Cordial
1. Chop the peeled clementines into small pieces and place in a bowl with the cordial and stem ginger (if using). Mix well.
2. Grease and line a 1.2 litre pudding basin with baking parchment. Put a pan, half-filled with water, on to boil and set a steamer on top.
3. Beat the butter and sugar in a large bowl until pale and creamy. Gradually beat in the eggs. If the mixture begins to curdle, add 1 tbsp of the flour and continue mixing.
4. Fold in the flour and ground ginger (if using) until well combined, then fold in the clementines and cordial.
5. Spoon into a basin and gently level the
surface. Cover with a piece of pleated baking parchment (this allows the pudding to expand) and foil, securing with string. Place in a steamer and cook for 1 hour 30 minutes or until a skewer inserted into the pudding comes out clean (check the level of water regularly and top up as necessary).
6. Meanwhile, place the unpeeled clementine slices on a baking sheet lined with baking parchment. Sprinkle with half the caster sugar and cook under a hot grill until just beginning to caramelise. Turn slices over and repeat with remaining sugar. Cool.
7. About 10 minutes before the end of the pudding’s cooking time, make the sauce. Place the butter, muscovado sugar and cordial in a heavy-based pan and heat until dissolved and beginning to bubble.
8. Turn out the pudding, decorate with clementine slices and pour the sauce over.