Half Yearly Members' Meeting 2021 updates

Thank you to all those who attended our online Half Yearly Members' Meeting on Thursday 3rd June 2021. We hope you enjoyed it!
We were pleased to see so many of you tune in to find out more about their local co-op, vote on important issues, hear from our Board of Directors, participate in a Q&A session and have the opportunity to talk to our teams on important topics in our breakout rooms.
If you weren’t able to tune in on the night, don’t worry - a recording of the meeting can be found below.
Also, below you will find a copy of the minutes from the meeting, along with details of the questions and answers from the Q&A session held on the night and the updated version of our rule book, following the changes to the rules being passed during the meeting.
Our feedback survey has now closed and we're delighted to announce the winner of our prize draw is Donna Powell - congratulations, your £50 Lincolnshire Co-op voucher will be with you shortly.
Don't worry if you couldn't join us live on the night. Simply click the link below to be taken to a recording of the event:
The minutes from our Half Yearly Members' Meeting 2021 can be found here, along with details of the Q&A session:
Half Yearly Meeting Minutes 2021 and Q&A session
Here you can also find an updated copy of our rule book, which has been updated following the rule changes being agreed at the meeting: