Holiday Activities and Food Programme
During the summer holidays we are supporting the Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) programme around Lincolnshire and other local counties.
There are over 130 clubs who have received a share of £12,000 worth of vouchers to buy healthy ingredients from their local Lincolnshire Co-op store.
HAF programmes are free holiday clubs for children in receipt of free school meals that aim to help children understand healthy eating, food preparation and health-related issues.
Children in the East Lindsey area are already learning about the importance of healthy eating and exercise. They are getting involved with chopping fruit and vegetables, using child-safe knives provided by HAF.
Adelle, leader of Lambs Holiday Cabin at Grimoldby Primary School, said: “It has been very rewarding to watch the children gain valuable life experience and learn new skills.
“With the vouchers provided, we have been able to buy fruit and vegetables some children have never tried before, and now they are asking us to get more for snack times.
“I believe this is so much more than a club to learn about healthy eating and we need to look at the bigger picture of holistic development. Not only are they being introduced to new foods, but they are learning new life skills through tasks as simple as peeling a banana.
“New friendships are also being made through our different bonding activities, and if the children go home with a smile on their face and a happy heart, we know we have done our job.”