Spooky spider's web dessert

This moreish sharing dessert 🕷 is sure to be a fangtastic Halloween centrepiece 🎃 and is so easy to make!
- 350g Co-op 0% fat Greek style natural yogurt
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 1 tbsp Local Honey - why not try some Lincolnshire honey!
- 50g Co-op Irresistible Fairtrade 70% cocoa dark chocolate, broken into chunks
- 10 chocolate honeycomb balls
- Line a large baking tray
- Mix the yogurt, vanilla and honey until smooth, then spread out on the baking tray to a thickness of abut 5mm. Put in the freezer for 4 hours, or until frozen solid
- Melt the chocolate in a bowl over a pan of gently simmering water
- Leave to cool a little, then spoon into a piping bag fitted with a 2mm round nozzle
- Pipe lines across the bark, fanning out from the middle point of the longest edge
- Connect the lines with piped curves of chocolate to create a spider's web effect
- Put two honeycomb balls together on different points of the web, and fix with a little melted chocolate
- Pipe spider's legs coming off each set
- Return to the freezer until firm, then snap into shards and serve immediately