Successful property schemes

At Lincolnshire Co-op, we try to provide and support valued services, look after our environment and grow the local economy.
Property development helps us do that. It provides a base for businesses and services and enables us to bring land and buildings back into use, creating attractive neighbourhoods.
When developing properties, we always try to use local firms wherever possible. When completed our developments provide space for businesses, which themselves employ local people. Here are some of the properties we've built, improved or redeveloped.
Office building - central Lincoln
We refurbished a tired 1970s office property in central Lincoln, adding an additional floor and a new ground floor reception area to provide four high quality suites of modern office accommodation. The development was shortlisted for an award in the RIBA East Midlands Awards for Architecture.
Listed building, Boston
In Boston we bought a prominent but neglected listed building on South Square. We transformed it into a funeral home to serve Boston's expanding community and won a Civic Pride award for the sensitive renovation.
Carlton Centre, Lincoln
We developed the Carlton Centre, in north Lincoln, on the site of a closed dairy. It is now one of Lincoln's major retail parks, accommodating a range of national retailers, as well as smaller local businesses, healthcare and community facilities that serve the surrounding residential development, delivered by working with a development partner and local landowners.
Bracebridge Heath surgery
At Bracebridge Heath near Lincoln we developed a new surgery to serve the growing population.
Parkside Medical Centre, Boston

In Boston we carried out a major surgery extension and refurbishment, to provide enhanced facilities incorporating an improved pharmacy.