Tenant survey

Last year we undertook a survey to better understand tenant experiences, needs and expectations of us as their landlord. We wanted to know what we’re doing well and where we could be better. Below are the some of the key points that came from the survey and what we will do going forward:
Key messages:
- You say that we are local, convenient, friendly, trustworthy and support the local community.
- 8 out of 10 feel positive towards Lincolnshire Co-op as their landlord.
- You would appreciate more focus on environmental considerations and support for local businesses.
Our aim is to be the landlord of choice for our commercial and residential properties, and we will:
- Run regular tenant surveys with the next one for residential tenants in 2023.
- Look at developing a tenant portal to improve our communication and engagement.
- Continue with regular tenant liaison meetings at our larger retail sites and roll this out to other properties where this is wanted.